Free Consultation

What to Bring to Your Consultation

What to Bring to Your Bankruptcy Consultation

Dedicated Representation From Start to Finish

People who have been living with the stress of unpaid bills, foreclosure and creditor harassment may have waited for months to get help. When they decide to seek help for their debt problems, they often want to get started as soon as possible. This sense of urgency is understandable. So, to speed up the process, you can bring the items listed below to your first meeting with us.

The lawyers at Saeed & Little LLP, have decades of experience helping people through bankruptcy and other means of debt relief. We are committed to making the bankruptcy process as smooth as possible, answering your questions and easing your worries.

How You Can Get Started

Many clients find that it is helpful to bring the following items to their consultation. However, do not worry if you cannot get everything on this list before your consultation. We can still meet even if you do not have all of the documents available at this time.

Materials you may wish to gather for your first meeting include:

  • Any proof of income/pay stubs from the previous six months
  • Recent bills, loan payment information and credit card statements
  • Bank statements from the previous three months
  • Tax returns from the past two years
  • Recent statements for any 401(k), IRA or other retirement account
  • The closing statement of any real estate sold within the last two years

Contact an Indianapolis Bankruptcy Attorney

For a free telephone consultation, please call 317-800-6181 or toll free at 866-660-6928, or contact us online.

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.