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Types of Debt Relief

Indianapolis Attorneys Helping You Understand Your Debt Relief Options

Trusted, Balanced Bankruptcy and Debt Solutions Counsel in Indiana

Bankruptcy is not the answer for everyone with too much debt. Negotiation, consolidation, seeking modifications and other non-bankruptcy solutions are familiar territory at our proven Indianapolis law firm.

However, the truth is that bankruptcy offers solid legal benefits and capacity for protecting property that go beyond those of many other approaches. With a constant deluge of advertising by debt consolidation companies and others warning you against bankruptcy, you may have many questions about different types of debt relief such as debt settlement and restructuring or various types of foreclosure defense.

Helping People Overcome Debt and Protect Property

At Saeed & Little LLP, our collaborative team of lawyers will welcome your questions about non-bankruptcy alternatives, their viability and their pitfalls. We will thoroughly evaluate your financial situation and assess debt relief options, including:

Put Knowledgeable, Versatile Attorneys to Work for You

Rather than pushing our clients toward one solution, we take pride in our ability to present a full range of debt relief options clearly and accurately. Whether you have decided it is time to file bankruptcy, want honest counsel on your available choices or are making other pivotal financial decisions right now, we hope you will contact us for a free telephone consultation.

Flexible Appointments

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.