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Foreclosure Defense in Boone County

Indiana Foreclosure Defense Lawyers Will Help You Keep Your Home

Boone County Law Firm Supports Homeowners in Foreclosure Actions

Millions of Americans, including residents of Boone County, Indiana, have been faced with difficult decisions affecting the stability of their family home. If you're afraid you might lose your home to foreclosure, the Indianapolis law firm of Saeed & Little LLP has over six decades of cumulative experience with foreclosure defense and matters involving debt resolution.

Why Do Foreclosures Happen?

When homeowners encounter financial difficulties, they sometimes cannot afford to make their mortgage payments, prompting their lender to initiate foreclosure proceedings. A variety of financial setbacks can lead to foreclosure, including:

  • Credit card debt
  • Divorce
  • Job loss
  • Reduction in pay or hours
  • Medical emergency
  • Catastrophic injury

Just because you've received a foreclosure notice from your lender does not automatically mean that you are going to lose your home. Foreclosure defense attorneys such as those at Saeed & Little LLP will review your finances, access your options, and examine possible defenses to the foreclosure.

Foreclosure Defenses

Lenders may be challenged on a variety of aspects involved in a foreclosure proceeding. Most foreclosure defenses focus on whether or not lending institutions and banks followed proper procedures, bringing up questions like:

  • Was the homeowner properly notified of the foreclosure proceedings?
  • Is the lender's documentation of the foreclosure accurate and updated?
  • Were loan payments made that were not recorded by the lender?
  • Were foreclosure documents property witnessed?

Foreclosure is a complex process that deals with a very important matter: the stability of a family's home. The attorneys at Saeed & Little LLP have defended many residents of Indiana, including those in Lebanon, against foreclosure actions. Don't trust your home to just anyone – contact us online, or call 317-800-6181 to schedule your free initial telephone consultation today.