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Foreclosure Defense Hamilton County

Hamilton County Attorneys Protecting Your Property From Foreclosure

Indianapolis Law Firm Helps Those Facing Foreclosure

When people think of bankruptcy, they usually think of it as a means to discharge debt, but it can also be used to protect assets and property. If you are a resident of Noblesville, Carmel, or Westfield, Indiana and are looking to defend yourself against foreclosure, call Saeed & Little LLP of Indianapolis for effective legal representation.

Challenging Foreclosure Actions

Foreclosure defense is simply the use of legal strategy to prevent foreclosure. Successful defenses against foreclosure used to be somewhat difficult to achieve, but more and more homeowners are now successfully challenging foreclosure actions. This is partially due to the fraudulent and predatory lending practices prevalent several years ago in the real estate and banking industries. Courts that once routinely approved foreclosure actions are now showing more sympathy toward homeowners.

Defending Against Foreclosure

To raise a defense to a foreclosure action, a homeowner must bring the issue before a judge. In about half of the states, foreclosures are accomplished through civil lawsuits and judicial orders. In the other states, foreclosures take place out of court and there is no automatic means to legally challenge them. To have a foreclosure defense ruled on by a judge in these states, you have to file a lawsuit alleging that the foreclosure is illegal and requesting to have it put on hold. To find out what your options may be in Indiana, consult with an attorney experienced in foreclosure defense law, such as those at Saeed & Little LLP in Indianapolis.

We'll Help Save Your Property From Foreclosure

If loan modifications and other non-bankruptcy solutions aren't options for you, filing personal bankruptcy may be the best way to defend your home against foreclosure. Saeed & Little LLP of Indianapolis has helped many families, including those in Hamilton County, successfully save their homes. Contact our firm online, or call 317-800-6181 to schedule a free initial consultation today.