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Will I Have to Go to Court?

Will I Have to Go to Court for Bankruptcy?

Filing for bankruptcy is made out to be simple by some supposed one-stop shop or do-it-yourself bankruptcy services. In reality, the bankruptcy process can be quite complicated or simple, depending on many factors, including your income sources, your assets, your current liabilities and if you have filed for bankruptcy before.

Regardless of how simple or complex you perceive the process to be, it is important to involve an experienced lawyer from the beginning. At Saeed & Little LLP, we help people in Indianapolis and throughout central Indiana make informed decisions and gain a comprehensive understanding of bankruptcy and other forms of debt relief that could be beneficial.

Bankruptcy is meant to protect Americans who are drowning under insurmountable debt and provide them with a fresh financial start. But, sometimes, considering all that you are dealing with to try to manage your debt and your finances, it can seem like a burden to appear in Bankruptcy Court.

You Will Not Have to Go to Court

Prior to, during and following your bankruptcy, you will not have to appear in court. One of the advantages of having a bankruptcy attorney on your side is that we take care of all aspects of your bankruptcy filing. We complete the filing, appear in court on your behalf, represent your best interests and defend you from creditor actions.

In a Chapter 7 filing you are required to attend an informal meeting with your creditors, but we will accompany you to this meeting and provide advice throughout. Chapter 11 and Chapter 13 filings can be more complex than Chapter 7 filings, but even in the most complex of filings, we can make Bankruptcy Court appearances on your behalf. We will protect your rights, advocate for your best possible resolutions, keep you informed throughout the process and provide you with strong representation on the rare occurrence you are required to appear in court.

Free, Informative Consultations: Call 866-660-6928 or 317-800-6181

We pursue debt relief solutions in your best interests. If you have more questions or would like to schedule a free initial consultation, contact us today for efficient, dependable, personalized counsel.

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We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.