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Protection From Unfair Debt Collection

Protection From Unfair Debt Collection in Bankruptcy

You Can Fight Back

State and federal laws govern creditor actions in debt collection, bankruptcy and credit reporting. Sometimes, however, it takes an experienced attorney to protect the rights of debtors. If you are being harassed by debt collectors or victimized by predatory lenders, speak with a bankruptcy lawyer to learn how we may be able to assist you. At Saeed & Little LLP, we represent clients who are being unlawfully harassed by creditors.

Lenders and Debt Collectors Must Follow the Rules

Filing for bankruptcy gives you an automatic stay from all collection activities during the bankruptcy process. This means that creditors cannot take action against you while the bankruptcy is in progress. If a creditor violates the automatic stay, you can take action against that creditor. We can assist you with violations such as:

A creditor may also try to fight the discharge of certain types of debt in bankruptcy. While creditors have the right to contest bankruptcy, they must follow strict regulations. We can help you if you are involved in a lender action. If regulations were violated, you may be able to countersue for lender liability.

The firm may also be able to assist you if a creditor is reporting a larger debt than you owe or violating other regulations of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.

Are You the Victim of Unfair Debt Collection?

For a free telephone consultation, please call us in Indianapolis at 317-800-6181 or toll free at 866-660-6928, or contact us online.

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.