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Judgments & Lawsuits Against You

Indianapolis Judgments and Bankruptcy Attorneys

Marion County Lawyers Vacating Judgments

Facing a Creditor Lawsuit, Judgment or Garnishment in Central Indiana?

Creditor lawsuits and court judgments are major events that can force a person already struggling with debt problems to look seriously at bankruptcy. This applies to individuals, families and businesses facing any type of litigation. Our proven law firm brings a wealth of knowledge of bankruptcy law, foreclosure defense and financial litigation to the table for our clients.

With the legal authority of a judgment against you, your creditor could garnish up to 25 percent of your disposable income and gain access to money in your bank accounts. Few people in a difficult financial position can withstand such a crippling action. At Saeed & Little LLP, we will grasp your situation and find the best way to deal with it and preserve your future.

Experienced Debt Relief and Consumer Bankruptcy Lawyers

With decades of committed representation and thousands of cases behind us, we are well equipped to help you overcome serious debt problems. It is important to recognize that, in most cases, a bankruptcy filing brings an automatic stay — a binding order that prevents creditors from taking further action against you. We adeptly and efficiently handle:

If you have received a foreclosure notice or been informed that a creditor intends to file a lawsuit against you, now is time to talk to a qualified attorney at Saeed & Little LLP, in Indianapolis. Unlike collection calls, this is an event you cannot ignore without financially devastating consequences. Our legal team will offer clear, reliable counsel on judgments and bankruptcy, strategies for vacating judgments and more.

Informed Counsel Without Risk —

We offer a free telephone consultation, flexible appointments and payment plans that make our services more accessible and affordable. Call 866-660-6928 to take a major step toward financial recovery.

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.