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Debt Management After Bankruptcy

Indianapolis Debt Relief Lawyers

There is life after bankruptcy and disciplined debt management will sow the seeds to allow you to flourish in your fresh start. During the bankruptcy process, all debtors are required to complete a debt education course, which will help you identify problematic issues that contributed to unmanageable debt in the past, understand good credit versus bad credit, plan for a fiscally responsible future and rebuild your credit score.

At the Indianapolis law firm of Saeed & Little LLP, we take your responsible debt management several steps farther. No two bankruptcy cases are alike, and we help you identify and execute solutions that fit your unique situation. Our team of knowledgeable lawyers helps people throughout central Indiana resolve financial problems with the resources, tools and counsel they need. We have been assisting individuals, families and business owners for more than 30 years, and our attorneys have more than 60 years of collective experience.

Hendricks County Debt Management Attorneys

Underestimating the importance of debt management can quickly bring you back to the same situation you were in — underwater and struggling to make minimum payments on debts. Once your bankruptcy has been discharged, it is important to have a plan ready to help you re-establish good credit and rebuild your financial base.

We will help you achieve a fresh start, and we will provide you with the means to fast track your comeback. Ensuring that you make all bill payments on time, remain current on mortgage payments and are provided the ability to monitor your credit report, our guidance and counsel can help you restore your credit and increase discretionary income.

Sticking to your customized debt management strategy will gradually increase your borrowing capacity again and enforce good habits that help you keep your finances in check. Our goals are to help you remain cash flow positive, achieve a credit score that obtains you a low risk valuation from lenders and regain your financial freedom.

Free, Informative Consultations: Call 866-660-6928

Protect your financial future by obtaining personalized service from our Indianapolis debt relief attorneys. Contact us today. We respond quickly to client needs with caring, dependable, thoughtful counsel.

Flexible Appointments

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.