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Should I File Bankruptcy?

Indianapolis Bankruptcy Lawyers Helping Answer the Question: Should I File Bankruptcy?

Clear, Balanced Debt Relief and Bankruptcy Counsel

Ultimately, no one can answer the question, "Should I file bankruptcy?" but you. But if that question has crossed your mind, it is definitely time to talk through your situation with an experienced bankruptcy lawyer who will provide solid information and address your specific problems and concerns.

At Saeed & Little LLP, in Indianapolis, we work with all kinds of people whose problems involve too much debt and the desire to protect critical assets. Rather than pushing any one solution, our experienced attorneys take the time to look at your situation from all angles and explain viable options.

Experienced Lawyers Who Will Answer All Your Questions

Some of the many clear signs that you should contact us today include:

  • You have missed one or more mortgage payments and want to stop home foreclosure.
  • You are facing another severe creditor action against you such as a lawsuit or judgment and wage garnishment.
  • You are facing frequent creditor harassment and cannot catch up on your credit card balances and other bills.
  • You are considering tapping into assets you could keep after bankruptcy — such as a 401(k) or other qualified retirement account or pension — in order to pay off unsecured debt or keep up with your mortgage.

Solutions for People and Businesses Held Back by Debt

Bankruptcy is not well understood, and there are many myths perpetuated by the banks and credit card companies, as well as debt consolidation companies with very questionable success rates. We are here to help you make the best decisions for your future, which may include guiding you through all the steps necessary to get debt relief through:

  • Chapter 7 bankruptcy to eliminate the burden of credit cards and other unsecured debt
  • Chapter 13 bankruptcy to protect property, eliminate some debts and gain time to repay others
  • Chapter 11 bankruptcy to enable a business reorganization — or to provide debt relief for individuals under some circumstances

Our work together can begin with a brief, free telephone consultation to gain an understanding of your most serious concerns and gather the information we need to offer basic guidance. We know what questions to ask you and stand ready to answer your questions about bankruptcy and any available alternatives.

Flexible Appointments

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.