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Discharging Judgments

Indianapolis Lawyers Discharging Judgments in Bankruptcy

Court judgments against you related to debts you are not able to pay can create additional financial hardships. If you want to include a debt connected to a judgment in your bankruptcy filing, the process can be more complicated. Judgments against you can put your case at risk, but an experienced bankruptcy lawyer can help you address such concerns properly. Judgments will need to be handled by an experienced legal professional during the process of your bankruptcy.

At the Indianapolis law firm of Saeed & Little LLP, we help people throughout central Indiana discharge judgments and debts through personal and business bankruptcy filings. With more than 60 years of collective experience, we will guide you through the process with personalized service, limiting your exposure to risk and protecting your rights. Our law firm has been helping people find resolutions in bankruptcy and other forms of debt relief for more than 30 years. We want to help you revitalize your financial life.

Attorneys Discharging Past Debt Judgments in Boone County, Indianapolis and Surrounding Areas

It is critical not to hesitate before consulting with an experienced attorney. Creditors succeeding in lawsuits against you or obtaining judgment liens against your bank account or property can prevent you from selling or transferring assets in bankruptcy.

If your bank account has already been seized, you should file for bankruptcy as soon as possible. We can help you ensure that you file efficiently and effectively, and we can work with quick action to prevent creditors from seizing any more money from your accounts. We will inform you of your options, work to shield you from further creditor actions against you and guide you through the process of pursuing your best possible resolution.

Free, Informative Consultations: Call 866-660-6928 or 317-800-6181

Don't hesitate, contact us today if you have a judgment lien against you, if you have more questions or if you would like to schedule a free initial consultation. Our Indianapolis attorneys can help you discharge judgments in bankruptcy.

Flexible Appointments

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.