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Debt Problems & Solutions

Debt Solutions Attorneys in Indianapolis

Marion County Bankruptcy Lawyers With Decades of Experience

Debt can spiral out of control due to so many different circumstances — after one catastrophic event or years of honest struggle to support your family. While you can count on us for empathy toward your specific situation, you can also rest assured that our proven attorneys have helped many people in similar circumstances make solid decisions for their futures.

Balanced Counsel for People Facing All Kinds of Debt Challenges

We help individuals, families and businesses throughout Indiana get real, legal debt relief. Every working day, this is the primary focus of our law firm, and our clients receive real benefits as a result. Our caring, skilled bankruptcy lawyers are here to:

  • Help you explore all types of debt relief, including Chapter 7 bankruptcy, Chapter 13 bankruptcy and non-bankruptcy solutions that may apply to your specific situation and goals
  • Provide an honest, comprehensive view of the benefits of bankruptcy — including its power and limitations for wiping out or restructuring debt
  • Tailor our approach to your specific needs, based on urgent problems such as home foreclosure or other lawsuits against you — as well as the best paths to recovery based on the types of debt you owe

Comprehensive Knowledge of Federal and Indiana Bankruptcy Law

At Saeed & Little LLP, in Indianapolis we are always prepared to address specific questions and challenges involving:

Focused on Debt Solutions That Will Work for You: 866-660-6928

Our work together can begin with a free telephone consultation to talk through your debt problems, immediate challenges and longer-term goals. We offer flexible appointments to accommodate our clients' schedules, fluency in Spanish and payment plans that make bankruptcy an affordable option for hundreds of clients each year.

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.