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Bankruptcy & Car Repossession

Indianapolis Bankruptcy and Repossession Attorneys

Behind on Car Payments in Marion County?

If you have fallen behind on car payments, the stress is building for you every day. What if they repossess your car? What will you do for transportation? The time to make a call for debt relief counsel is now. A timely, well-prepared bankruptcy filing may enable you to keep your vehicle and eliminate other debts or pay them over time.

Action for People Facing Car Repossession or Deficiency Judgments

At Saeed & Little LLP, we have helped many people throughout Central Indiana prevent car repossession and other crippling creditor actions against them. Our lawyers also address your debt challenges if your car is gone and you are now being sued for a loan deficiency.

Analysis of Your Financial Situation, Beyond Your Auto Loan

We understand that your auto loan problem could be an isolated, temporary concern or a sign of serious debt problems. Applying decades of experience, we can look carefully at your overall financial situation and discuss all legal options for protecting your vehicle and other assets through personal bankruptcy. You may be able to file:

  • A Chapter 7 bankruptcy that eliminates unsecured debts and may open up the funds to keep your vehicle through reaffirmation or redemption
  • A Chapter 13 bankruptcy plan that may enable you to avoid repossession and make manageable monthly payments — or take other approaches to modifying the loan payment

You Owe It to Yourself to Talk With a Skilled, Caring Lawyer

Creditors do not care about your difficult circumstances, and valuable property — including cars, trucks, SUVs and vans — gets repossessed every day. There is little incentive for creditors to negotiate with you once you fall behind, other than your ability to file for legal debt relief under the bankruptcy code.

Our Indianapolis attorneys have been helping good people make sound decisions about their debt problems for more than 30 years, and we are here to help you. For more information on bankruptcy and repossession, please contact us for a free telephone consultation.

Flexible Appointments

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.