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Debts That Are Never Dischargeable

Debts That Are Never Dischargeable in a Bankruptcy

Representation From Experienced Bankruptcy Attorneys

Bankruptcy provides numerous benefits, but it does not eliminate every type of debt or obligation. Before you decide to file for bankruptcy, it is important to know whether the kind of debts you have will be eligible for discharge or repayment. Speaking with a bankruptcy lawyer is the best way to determine if bankruptcy will work for you.

At Saeed & Little LLP, we will answer all of your questions and review your finances to ascertain the type of debt relief that is best for your situation. Depending on the kind of debt you have, we may recommend Chapter 7, Chapter 13 or another means of debt relief.

Are Your Debts Dischargeable?

There are some debts that are not dischargeable under any chapter of bankruptcy, including:

  • Spousal support/alimony
  • Child support
  • Student loans, unless extreme hardship can be proven
  • DUI accident injury or death judgments
  • Debts for willful and malicious injuries to a person or property
  • Debts owed to certain tax-advantaged retirement plans
  • Fines levied against you by the government
  • Debts incurred by money, property or services obtained by fraudulent acts or false pretenses
  • Condominium homeowner association fees you incur after filing

Credit card debt is usually dischargeable except for large cash advances within 90 days of filing for bankruptcy or a dramatic increase in purchases on the card shortly before filing.

Certain taxes are dischargeable, however, only if they meet specific criteria. You cannot discharge unfiled tax obligations or tax debts that constitute tax fraud. In addition, federal tax liens attached to your assets may not be dischargeable.

Contact an Indianapolis Bankruptcy Lawyer

For a free telephone consultation, please call 317-800-6181 or toll free at 866-660-6928, or contact us online.

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.