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Individual Tax Debt Problems

Indianapolis Individual Tax Debt Lawyers

Tax debt can complicate an already complex situation as personal and family debts mount. The IRS and state tax collection agencies have more power than other creditors, and they will not hesitate to use their resources to impose tax liens, bank levies, wage garnishments and property seizure. If you are using most of your money to make payments on other debts and neglecting your tax debts, it is imperative that you consult with a bankruptcy and tax lawyer as soon as possible.

At the Indianapolis law firm of Saeed & Little LLP, we advise individuals and businesses throughout central Indiana on the best options available to seek financial recovery through bankruptcy and other possible debt relief options. A full evaluation of your tax problems and other debt issues may reveal alternatives you did not know were available. In addition to guiding you to informed decisions about your digging yourself out of debt efficiently, we can deal directly with the IRS and all other creditors on your behalf.

Indianapolis and Johnson County Tax Debt Attorneys for Individuals

What options do you have with the IRS and the Indiana Department of Revenue? We can advise you on your options in your initial consultation with an attorney, and we can provide you with a detailed strategy following a comprehensive examination of your debt issues.

Your options include:

  • Offers in compromise
  • Tax appeals
  • Debt settlement to reduce and repay debts
  • Negotiations with the IRS Taxpayer Advocate's Office
  • Discharge of personal income taxes and penalties on late payments

We can help you pursue the option that is in your best interest, including Chapter 7, Chapter 11 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. It is important to realize that debts can only be discharged if you file for bankruptcy, and the debt must meet certain conditions, including:

  • Debt that is at least three years old
  • Debt on tax returns that were filed at least two years ago
  • Debt that has been assessed at least 240 days before the date of your bankruptcy filing
  • Debt that is not based on a fraudulent tax return

Any of these options should only be pursued with an experienced bankruptcy and tax attorney on your side. It is also important to realize that allowing your tax debts to exceed three years in arrearage will not save you from other consequences in the mean time, including tax liens, bank levies, wage garnishments and property seizure.

Free, Informative Consultations: Call 866-660-6928 or 317-800-6181

Contact us today to discover how our efficient, effective and customized legal services can help you achieve tax relief and settlements on state and federal tax debts. Our Indianapolis individual tax debt attorneys protect your rights and pursue your best interests in negotiations with the IRS and/or the state of Indiana.

Flexible Appointments

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.