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Hancock County - Foreclosure Defense

Hancock County Attorneys Provide Aggressive Foreclosure Defense

Facing Foreclosure in Greenfield? Indiana Law Firm Will Fight For You

If you are being threatened with foreclosure in Hancock County, you have a right to mount a defense to save your home. The lawyers at Saeed & Little LLP in Indianapolis have over 60 years of cumulative experience in helping Indiana residents resolve their debt and foreclosure issues, and they're available to assist you too.

What Happens When Homeowners Can't Make Their Loan Payments?

The first time a homeowner misses a payment, the lender will usually send a letter demanding payment. As more payments are missed, more letters will be sent, including one entitled "Get Help. Get Hope," which provides information about getting free mortgage foreclosure counseling through the Indiana Foreclosure Protection Network. Indiana law requires that this letter be sent at least 30 days before a foreclosure action is filed.

The homeowner may also receive additional letters urging him to contact the lender regarding loan modification, and a loan modification application package may be sent to him as well. Foreclosure may be filed any time a homeowner defaults on their mortgage, but lenders typically wait until someone is at least 90 days behind on their payments.

The Foreclosure Process in Indiana

Once the lender's attorney files a complaint or petition in the county where the home is located and serves the paperwork upon the homeowner, either in person or through the mail, the court foreclosure process begins. The homeowner has a specific number of days to respond to the complaint:

  • 20 days from the date of service, if the complaint was handed to the homeowner or left on the door
  • 23 days from the date of receipt if it was sent in the mail

He also has a right to a settlement conference with the foreclosing lender, who is required to give written notice of this right to the homeowner. Even if a homeowner is actively working with a lender to get a loan modification or to sell his home, the lender will continue with the foreclosure action. Since they will be required to comply with state court rules and procedures, homeowners threatened with foreclosure should seriously consider retaining an attorney who is familiar with Indiana foreclosure defense.

Don't Give Up – We Can Help

If you live in Greenfield, Indiana and are facing the possibility of home foreclosure, don't give up. Contact Saeed & Little LLP online, or call 317-800-6181 to schedule your free initial telephone consultation to discuss your situation with one of our experienced attorneys today.